Cosmos: A Personal Voyage - Episode 8 (Carl Sagan)

[CD] Double Score ~Cosmos~: 周防 壱成(コスモス) (おまけボイス付初回生産版)

仕事に対してとても真面目だし、面倒見の良い素敵なお兄ちゃん(お母さん?)キャラ☆が、ヒロインちゃんを前にすると脳内がとんでもないことに(笑)ある意味戸高以上の高テンション。このギャップが可愛い人ですね。恋人になる前のエピソードがちらりと語られていて、きっとゲームで描かれるのであろうとワクワクしてます。ゲームが待ち遠しい!CVは立花さん。今までは高音の少年とか色物系を聞く事が多かったので(単に私が知らないだけですが)、今回の周防の様な正統派美青年ボイスに乙女心がもっていかれました♪ヒロインちゃんと2人きりの時は常時挙動不審なのも楽しいです。追伸 一問一答の周防ちゃん…例のあの質問に断固として答えてはくれませんでしたが頭の中ではとんでもない妄想が繰り広げられていそうだと思いました(笑)

The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos (Vintage)

(As posted at
I learnt (& reconfirmed) a lot about current theories of universe or multiverse from this book and hence, put 5 stars. There are two points I would like to mention after reading this book: (1) Is our existence on the Earth really meaningless, i.e., accidental? (2) Why do we perceive only three dimensions of space, not 4 or 9 or 10?
Point (1): It appears that advancements made by modern science in the 20th and 21st centuries have made our existence in this particular corner of the universe increasingly more enigmatic'as if our existence was preordained in a Grand Design; hence comes the first question. Professor Greene explains an answer to the question based on modern science. One idea to make the enigma mundane, statistically, is the idea of multiverse of several theoretical types (albeit existing proponents and detractors of the idea), which may consist of a huge number of universes, and our life-friendly universe is not anything special but merely one of them.
Point (2): As we listen to Prof. Greene in the video, he explains the possible reasons based on the idea of curled-up dimensions or the extra-dimension connecting the 'braneworlds,' and to experimentally verify the idea, some particle physics experiments are now going on at CERN using the LHC. Physicists are carefully accounting input vs. output energies in the experiments. And if other extra-dimensional models proposed by physicists describe the universe, some small fraction of energy (in the form of gravitons of loop-shaped string) will disappear into the unobservable fifth-dimension (i.e., unobservable to people confined in the four-dimensional spacetime-brane) and we will ultimately conclude the existence of those extra-dimensions.

Now, because of my being a non-materialist, may I have an opportunity to refer to some other non-materialistic ideas explaining these two issues?
Regarding Point (1): i.e., meaningfulness of our existence on the Earth
Just as materialistic science assumes that in the beginning there exist elementary particles or strings materialized from some pure energy, the non-materialistic idea assumes that in the beginning there exists 'unit of consciousness (CU in short)' in some non-physical dimensions; and everything in the physical dimension is the results of the CUs combining each other to form meaningful physical objects, including life on Earth, based on some '(eleven) universal laws,' which transcend our physical laws. So in this idea, existence of life on the Earth is teleological from the start. According to this idea, there will be no meaningless universes; no need to explain 'how come the consciousness out of elementary particles or strings?' Of course need to explain 'how come the CUs?'
This non-materialistic idea, i.e., 'psychical knowledge,' so to speak, comes from the book by an American writer, poet, and trance channeler, Jane Roberts (1929-1984): The 'Unknown' Reality, Vols. 1 & 2 (originally published in 1977 & 1979 from Prentice-Hall, now from Amber-Allen). This book is counter to Prof. Greene's The Hidden Reality. Einstein says 'energy and mass are different manifestations of the same thing (i.e., E = Mc^2).' The psychical knowledge says 'consciousness and matter and energy are one, but consciousness initiates the transformation energy into matter.' This is one of the important points of the traditional psychical research, in which an apparently living human form is materialized by a legitimate physical medium.
Regarding Point (2): Why do we perceive only three dimensions of space, not 4 or 9 or 10? The psychical knowledge explains to the effect as follows: What we call dimensions represent states in which reality is perceived. We perceive reality in three dimensions, and we have a glimpse of reality in a fourth dimension [e.g., the fourth-dimensional cube known as tesseract]. There are many dimensions however in all directions. [These heavenly bodies represent moment points in other systems. As they are projected into our system however, they are only perceived in terms of matter with our physical senses. The psychical knowledge tells further.] These dimensions merely represent various capacities of consciousness. All these dimensions exist at once, and even within our system, but our consciousness cannot perceive them. (Based on Roberts, J. [1999]. The Early Sessions: Book 6 of the Seth Material: pp. 152−154, Session 258 on May 11, 1966, Manhasset, NY: New Awareness Network) Hence, the reason why we cannot perceive more than three dimensions is because of our consciousness being at such a lower developmental stage! Maybe Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) was at a lot advanced stage of his consciousness, as expressed in his book 'The Earths in the Universe and their Inhabitants (1875).'

Because, very probably, there will be criticisms against my posting, saying my writing nonsense, waste of website space, I would like to mention one more point in advance to cope with such possible criticisms. I believe in the weight of soul: the 21 g of missing weight (i.e., unaccountable energy balance) detected by Dr. Duncan MacDougall for his first subject in his experiment published in 1907. Although physics Prof. Robert L. Park states in his book (Superstition: Belief in the Age of Science (2008)) to the effect that the missing weights are the result of MacDougall's wishful thinking and superstitious nonsense, no scientist has ever scientifically either refuted or confirmed the missing weights. Rather, recently a paper was published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, 2010 Spring Issue (Vol. 24, No.1, pp. 5-39: Rebuttal to Claimed Refutations of Duncan MacDougall's Experiment on Human Weight Change at the Moment of Death. [This Vol.24/No.1 is on sale at]), which supports MacDougall's experiment being scientifically sound on a basis of theoretical simulations of the weighing experiment. The missing weight, if confirmed authentic, is quite relevant to the two points discussed above, because (1) it suggests our life on the Earth being not meaningless, and (2) it suggests existence of non-physical extra-dimensions for afterlife.



Cosmos: A Personal Voyage - Episode 8 (Carl Sagan)

Episode 8: "Travels in Space and Time" English, Spanish, and Hebrew subtitles included. If you like this series, buy it! -




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