If you are a fan of old fifties quasi sci-fi monster movies then this will be right up your alley. It was made in the same vein as the blob with the same antagonists. However you may notice that Officer Mooney (John Vernon) is still playing “Animal House” (1978.) The theory that this may be the source of people being spooked by clowns is plausible after watching this movie. Finally a movie where the popcorn sticks to your ribs, and what ever. The cotton candy has a 50's spin to it. And this movie will clown around with your mind. You won't be disappointed. See Suzanne Snyder (Debbie Stone) again in “Weird Science” (1985). The DVD is loaded with the standard goodies. Thirteen year later the directors discus the original intent and some unique problems. There are out takes. And may other pieces of information to make viewing the movie fun. I do not see the DVD available in Japan.
If you are a fan of old fifties quasi sci-fi monster movies then this will be right up your alley. It was made in the same vein as the blob with the same antagonists. However you may notice that Officer Mooney (John Vernon) is still playing “Animal House” (1978.) The theory that this may be the source of people being spooked by clowns is plausible after watching this movie. Finally a movie where the popcorn sticks to your ribs, and what ever. The cotton candy has a 50's spin to it. And this movie will clown around with your mind. You won't be disappointed. See Suzanne Snyder (Debbie Stone) again in “Weird Science” (1985). The DVD is loaded with the standard goodies. Thirteen year later the directors discus the original intent and some unique problems. There are out takes. And may other pieces of information to make viewing the movie fun. I do not see the DVD available in Japan.
If you are a fan of old fifties quasi sci-fi monster movies then this will be right up your alley. It was made in the same vein as the blob with the same antagonists. However you may notice that Officer Mooney (John Vernon) is still playing “Animal House” (1978.) The theory that this may be the source of people being spooked by clowns is plausible after watching this movie. Finally a movie where the popcorn sticks to your ribs, and what ever. The cotton candy has a 50's spin to it. And this movie will clown around with your mind. You won't be disappointed. See Suzanne Snyder (Debbie Stone) again in “Weird Science” (1985). The DVD is loaded with the standard goodies. Thirteen year later the directors discus the original intent and some unique problems. There are out takes. And may other pieces of information to make viewing the movie fun. I do not see the DVD available in Japan.
ミシガン出身の6人組の3rd。レーベルは今や激情エモの巣窟となったEqual Vision。
高い演奏技術とメロウでドラマチックな曲展開が印象的なバンド。 スクリーモに分類されるサウンドだが他のスクリーモ勢とは一線を画しており、 凝った曲の構成や漂うゴス的雰囲気からゴシック・メタルのエモ/パンク・バージョンのように感じた。
前作はプログレッシブな要素が強かったように思うが、 今作はよりメロディに比重を置き厚みのあるギターサウンドが曲を引っ張る。 特筆すべきはキーボード。ピアノの乾いた調べが物哀しいメロディを奏で、 アルバム全体を繊細かつ荘厳な雰囲気に包んでいる。
アグレッシブなM-1,M-3,M-8,M-10,ピアノやキーボードが印象的なM-2,M-4, 変拍子とストリングスによるアレンジが秀逸なM-5,M-6,弾んだリズムがポップなM-7と バラエティ豊かで粒ぞろいの楽曲が並ぶ。 なかでもハイライトはピアノ・バラードのM-9。繊細なピアノがやさしく奏でられ 抑えたヴォーカルが切ないメロディを歌い上げる。
"No Hardcore Dancing in Living Room"なんか曲名どおり本当に踊り狂いたくなるような変態的展開を見せてくれるナイストラックです。
"The Words Best Friend Become Redefined"も冒頭からありゃりゃってなフィストアップリフで一時も隙を見せない楽曲の練りようが個人的に好きです。
Atreyu, Odd Project, Fall of Troy, SAOSIN, Horse the Bandフェチは要注意。
これがまたスッゲェいいんです。特に一番最後の一曲は彼らのbest song。正直自分はこの一曲に惚れて買ってしまったようなものです。